Time to Get Moving! Tips for a Healthy and Safe Spring Routine.
Spring is feeling like it's almost in full bloom. Daylight Saving has come and gone so days are longer and weather is better. After a full year of feeling stuck inside, aren't you aching to get up and get going? Here's some ideas to safely help you satisfy your wanderlust for a happy and healthy good time.
1. Dive In- The water might be a little cold still, but it's always a great idea to go for a swim. If you weren’t a swimmer before, now’s a great time to start. Swimming will not only provide you with a unique break from your typical Spring exercise regimen, but it will get you a full-body workout as well. Swimming builds endurance, muscle strength, and cardiovascular fitness. It’s great for your arms, legs, and core! Plus, by swimming regularly, you’ll be plenty ready for Summer beach weather.
2. Bike It Out- Cycling is a super fun Spring exercise that also will give you some great health benefits. Cycle by yourself, with friends, or with a club. You’ll get the benefits of strengthened bones, increase muscle strength and flexibility, better endurance, and improved posture and coordination. If you really get into it, you can even consider making your bicycle a frequent means of transportation. You’ll save money, plus you'll get a workout in while you go about your daily activities. It’s a win-win!
3. Road Trip Time- Want to get out of your usual activities rut? Plan a family road trip. There are so many fantastic scenic routes and trails you can explore. Plus, it's easier to find something for everyone out on the open road. Long car trips can be problematic for some though. Make sure to bring plenty of snacks and fully charged devices to help if boredom sets in. If you have trouble sitting in one spot for a long time then an EverRelief Air Inflatable Seat Cushion is a must have. It will evenly distribute pressure point pain to make those hours in the car pass like a breeze!
4. Listen to Your Body- If you're anxious to shake off the winter dolldrums and kick start a new workout routine here's a word of warning. Working out is not about fighting through pain. Muscle soreness and the sensation of a good workout is what we are looking for. If pain has been persistent for more than two weeks even though you’ve been resting it, icing it and limiting your physical activity, it’s time to have it looked at. Swelling and bruising could indicate a more serious injury. Always take care of your body and it will take care of you.
5. Stay Motivated- We all say we're going to stick to a new routine, but daily life can often get in the way of our best intentions. There will be certain days that you’ll find yourself wanting to blow off your workout routine. Don’t do it! Find ways to keep yourself motivated. Set up a chart to track your progress. It helps you easily visualize your goals. Both the changes to it and your body will demonstrate your growth.