How do I know if I have a hernia?

Man in pain in need of a EverRelief Umbilical Hernia support belt.

We've all heard the word. Maybe you know of someone who had one. Or maybe you've had one yourself and didn't even realize. We want you to have all the information so if you ever have to deal with a hernia you know what it is and more importantly you know how to relieve your pain and get back to your life.

A woman in pain in need of an EverRelief Umbilical Hernia support belt to ease hernia pain though firm gentle ergonomic compression.

What is it?

A hernia occurs when an internal organ or other body part protrudes through the wall of muscle or tissue that normally contains it. Most hernias occur within the abdominal cavity, between the chest and the hips. A hernia in the abdomen or groin can produce a noticeable lump or bulge that can be pushed back in, or that can disappear when lying down. 

A woman in pain in need of an EverRelief Umbilical Hernia support belt to ease hernia pain though firm gentle ergonomic compression.

Are there different kinds?

Yes, there are a variety of hernia types each with their own causes. The most common types of hernia are inguinal (inner groin), incisional (resulting from an incision), femoral (outer groin), umbilical (belly button), and hiatal (upper stomach).

A man in pain in need of an EverRelief Umbilical Hernia support belt to ease hernia pain though firm gentle ergonomic compression.

How do you get them?

Again, there are many different ways people can get a hernia but some of the most common are lifting heavy objects, diarrhea or constipation and persistent coughing or sneezing. Other contributing factors are obesity, poor nutrition and smoking. All of which weaken muscles and make hernias more likely.

A woman in pain in need of an EverRelief Umbilical Hernia support belt to ease hernia pain though firm gentle ergonomic compression.

What do I do now?

The only way to effectively treat a hernia is through surgical repair, so always consult your doctor. However, whether or not you need surgery depends on the size of your hernia and the severity of your symptoms. Wearing an umbilical support belt may help to ease the symptoms of a hernia. This is a supportive undergarment that helps to hold the hernia in place. The hernia wrap's adjustable, removable pad allows for targeted compression to the hernia area. The firm, silicone pad creates pressure against the hernia, which improves recovery speed post surgery and provides compression support for a weak abdomen.

Can I prevent a hernia?

There is no way to 100% prevent getting a hernia, but there are many things you can do to lessen your chances. Here's a list of simple things that will help keep your abdomen strong.

  • Quit smoking
  • Maintain a proper weight for your body type
  • Eat plenty of foods high in fiber to prevent constipation.
  • Start doing simple ab exercises that will strengthen the muscles of your abdomen.
  • Make sure you only life weights you know you can handle and always bend at the knees when lifting anything heavy

A man lifting weights


The road to recovery may look long, but you can do it. Always consult your doctor and find the best treatment possible for your specific hernia type. We're with you!

A woman jumping on rocks